Learn How to Be an

Ontological Coach

Are you a coach looking to take your coaching skills to the next level? Do you want to enhance your expertise and receive feedback from experienced coaches? Look no further than the Advanced Coaching Practicum!

The Advanced Coaching Practicum (ACP) offers a comprehensive, accredited coaching program, designed for coaches who need to complete their training and be ready to take on more challenging coaching scenarios. The program is offered by experienced coaching professionals who have undergone rigorous training and hold advanced certifications.

Our program is designed to give real-world experience and prepare you to coach clients in challenging scenarios. We offer experienced coaches as instructors, group and mentor coaching — all conducted online — so it's the perfect way to enhance your coaching expertise and burnish your resume for future coaching clients. By the end of the program, you'll have the skills and confidence to take on a wide range of clients, to grow your coaching practice.

At the end of the Level 1 program, after you pass your final evaluation you'll receive a certificate of completion, and you will be qualified to apply for the Associated Certified Coach credential. This will be a valuable addition to your coaching resume and can help you attract high-paying clients.

One of the rare features of the Advanced Coaching Practicum is our accreditation by the International Coach Federation (ICF) at all three levels of coach certification — Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. This means that our programs can aid coaches in fulfilling all the ICF’s requirements at every level. Our programs also qualify for continuing education units for practicing coaches, allowing them to renew their credentials with the ICF.

So if you want to become a coach, or you are looking to take your coaching skills to the next level, please register for a free introductory session by filling out the form on the top right, to learn about our programs teaching ontological coaching.

Join a Free Intro Session on Zoom

What will this Free Intro Session Cover?

Your free session will include an overview of the first course toward Level 1 certification (Associate Certified Coach.) This course consists of several modules, including:

  • Coaching ethics and standards: Learn about the ethical considerations of coaching and the standards of practice set by the ICF.

  • Coaching methodologies, techniques and skills: Develop advanced coaching skills and techniques, including active listening, powerful questioning, and goal setting.

  • Coaching for diversity and inclusion: Learn how to coach clients from diverse backgrounds and navigate challenging conversations related to diversity and inclusion.

  • Business development for coaches: Develop your marketing and sales skills to grow your coaching practice and attract new clients.

In addition to these modules, the Advanced Coaching Practicum includes highly interactive webinars that include both group and individual mentor coaching. We also conduct observed coaching sessions that analyze and give feedback about participant coaching recordings. You'll be able to watch accredited coaches in action, receive personalized feedback on your coaching skills, and learn from your peers in group coaching sessions.

Why choose ACP for your coaching training?

We Offer Comprehensive, Accredited Programs for Ontological Coaches

The Advanced Coaching Practicum (ACP) has an outstanding coaching education program for those seeking to become certified coaches. We are accredited by the ICF at all three levels of certification, and we offer a comprehensive curriculum designed to meet the requirements for the ACC, PCC, and MCC credentials. We are one of a very few coach training programs accredited by the ICF at all three of these certification levels.

The program includes both in-person and online training, individual and group coaching sessions, and mentorship from experienced coaches. We guarantee that you will pass your credential, or you may stay in our classes for free until you do pass.

The ACP Program Advantages

Here’s what sets ACP apart from other coach trainers:

  • 100% Live Online Courses with Certified PCC and MCC instructors/coaches.

  • 100% of our students who have submitted their applications have earned their Level 1 certificates.

  • We offer a flexible, 0% interest payment plan, where you set the payment amount with up to 24 months to pay. Start your coaching journey with monthly payments as little as $228.

  • We offer a “rolling entry.” You can start at any time.

  • Continue to practice in our group setting until you pass your ACC Level 1.

Why become ICF Certified?

Coaching has become an increasingly popular profession in recent years, as people seek to improve their personal and professional lives through guidance and support from trained professionals. If you're interested in becoming a coach, it's important to understand the qualifications and credentials necessary to establish credibility and attract clients. One of the most effective ways to do this is by obtaining an ACC, PCC or MCC credential from the International Coach Federation (ICF).

The ICF website states, "The ICF Credential is the only globally recognized professional coaching credential." They provide rigorous standards, ethical guidelines, and professional development opportunities to help coaches achieve their goals.

The ICF offers three levels of credentialing: Associate Certified Coach (ACC) – Level 1, Professional Certified Coach (PCC) – Level 2, and Master Certified Coach (MCC) – Level 3. Each level requires a certain number of training hours, coaching hours, and an evaluation of coaching competence.

Note: If you do not yet hold an ICF credential, you must start at the ACC (Level 1), or enter our fast-track program to PCC (Level 2). You must have your PCC credential and 2,500 coaching hours before applying for MCC (Level 3).

What Others are Saying About Coach Certification

  • A survey of 210 coaches by the Harvard Business Review found that 70% of respondents believed that certification enhances credibility in the coaching profession.

  • According to a study by the ICF, coaches with an ICF credential earn significantly higher rates than those without a credential. In 2020, the median annual income for coaches with an ICF credential was more than double that for those without a credential.

Clients who are looking for a coach want to know that the coach has been trained and has a certain level of expertise. Certification is a way to demonstrate that.
— Forbes Magazine Interview with Ellen Mullarkey, VP-Business Development, Messina Staffing

Libby Robinson

MCC, Director of Coach Training, CXO Whisperer

Libby is the Managing Partner of Integral, a global award-winning leadership development consultancy. Over the last 26 years, she has worked with CXOs and senior leaders on three continents. Libby holds a Master’s in Organizational Transformation from the California Institute of Integral Studies. She is a TED Fellows coach. Libby is the founder of the Advanced Coaching Practicum. Libby holds a certificate in Corporate Innovation from Stanford University. She is also the founder of BackFeed+, an app for better, faster, feedback, based on neuroscience.

Libby is joined by about a dozen PCC and MCC teachers and mentor coaches as well as a variety of international coaches and assessors.

  • Renee Ragin HR Specialist - Employee Engagement & Leadership Development

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “After many years of wanting to formalize my coaching education, I truly believe ACP is the right choice for me! I am grateful to receive excellent instruction, peer coaching and professional support”

  • Nathalie Delmas, Master Certified Coach

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Thanks to the Gaining MCC program by the ACP, my mentors, and Libby Robinson, I was able to achieve my Level 3 Certification”

  • Sabine Grunwald, Director Mindfulness Program, University of Florida

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I am enjoying the coach training program at Integral Leadership & Coaching with the goal to become an ICF accredited coach (ACC). The practice-oriented student, mentor, and public coaching sessions are excellent and allow students to work with all three ontological elements—body, emotion, and speech.”

  • Kirsty Ensor, Master Certified Coach

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “it provided all the necessary evidence required to submit for the ICF MCC credential. I also really valued the feedback I received from both Libby and my matched mentor coach as I was able to easily integrate my learnings into my work with my clients so that my final MCC recording submissions hit the mark the first time.”

Certified Executive Coaching Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • No. Coaches come from many different professional backgrounds and experiences. While it can be helpful to understand the industry in which you are coaching, you are usually coaching highly talented individuals or teams; your willingness to learn about yourself, coaching methodologies, coaching ethics and the willingness to challenge your own thinking are the initial ingredients to becoming a successful executive coach.

    If you are an Executive or a leader in an organization, gaining executive coaching skills can be an invaluable asset in your career goals as coaching skills naturally help you become more conscious, present, aware, and curious as well as enhance your executive presence, ability to influence and to partner with others and to resolve conflict and manage actions.

  • The International Coaching Federation (ICF) offers the most globally recognized, independent credentialing program for coach practitioners. ICF Credentials are awarded to professional coaches who have met stringent education and experience requirements and have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the coaching competencies that set the standard in the profession. Achieving credentials through ICF signifies a coach’s commitment to integrity, understanding and mastery of coaching skills, and dedication to clients.

    ICF also accredits programs that deliver coaching education. ICF-accredited education organizations must complete a rigorous review process and demonstrate that their curriculum aligns with the ICF Core Competencies and Code of Ethics. This includes the Advanced Coaching Practicum which is ICF-Certified for all certification Levels 1, 2 and 3.

  • An ICF Credential is a professional certification indicating that you have met specific standards and requirements designed to develop and refine your coaching skills. It is an indication that you are dedicated to upholding strong principles of ethical behavior in coaching. An ICF Credential shows your clients and peers that you are committed to the coaching industry and to developing yourself as a coaching professional.

    Holding a credential – especially an ICF Credential – is extremely important to today’s coaching clients. The 2022 Global Consumer Awareness Study found that 85% of coaching clients say it’s important or very important that their coach holds a certification or credential. Earning an ICF Credential provides you with instant credibility and increased visibility to prospective clients.

    ICF offers three credentials, corresponding with the quantity of education and experience required to earn it. The credentials are:

    Associate Certified Coach (ACC) – Completed 60 hours of coach-specific education and 100 hours of client coaching experience

    Professional Certified Coach (PCC) – Completed 125 hours of coach-specific education and 500 hours of client coaching experience

    Master Certified Coach (MCC) – Hold or have held a PCC Credential, completed 200 hours of coach-specific education and 2,500 hours of client coaching experience

  • If you do not yet have an ICF-accredited coaching credential you should start out with our Level 1 training to obtain your Associated Certified Coach certification.

  • In order to sustain your credential, you will need to renew your credential every three years by obtaining 40 Coach Continuing Education (CCE) units. - We have packages to provide everything needed for credential renewal. Alternatively, you can "upgrade" your credential to the next level.

  • You can continue attending our classes in the Advanced Coaching Practicum without charge until you actually pass the credential application that you are going for. There are also options to purchase additional individual and group mentor coaching, in order for you to get very specific feedback on how to pass your evaluation.

  • Our Level 1 and Level 2 programs are based on “ontological coaching” principles. Ontology is the study of the “way of being”. It helps coaches unlock and understand how the client observes themselves and the world. It also helps the client understand their own lens and biases. Ontological coaching focuses on three main domains of learning for the client:

    1. linguistics (the “architecture of their language”)

    2. 2. the client’s ability to access and distinguish moods and emotions (and distinctions such as emotional resonance, regulation, and resilience), and

    3. 3. the client’s somatic (bodily) experiences and sensations. A coach’s ability to offer high-quality coaching depends on their ability to not only ask powerful questions but to listen and observe these domains in the client and themselves.

  • After having worked with coaches globally, and having studied ontological coaching with some of the leading teachers of the work, we feel it is one of the most “transformational” coaching methodologies. If you have learned something from a previous coaching school, it does not take away from your knowledge; it is additive and will help you and your client perceive new possibilities and distinctions in your work together.

  • Item descriptiYes. You can withdraw at any time if you feel the program is not for you. We ask that before you decide to withdraw you have a conversation with the Program Coordinator and/or the Director of Coach training so that we can understand your need to withdraw. You will be given back a prorated amount based on the amount of time passed and 1:1 work you have completed.

    If you are on a payment plan and experience hardship, you can speak with us and adjust your payments so that you do not have to stop attending classes. For example, we had one student who during their time with us, who lost their job and was concerned about making payments. We paused his payments and they continued to benefit from the program and began making payments when they obtained a new position.


  • You can start today, or as soon as you are ready! We have a rolling admission policy, so once we get your initial payment to secure your place, you can join the next available class.

  • Currently, our live online classes are on Wednesdays at 12-2 PM Eastern US time for Levels 1 and 2 and Thursdays at 12-2 PM Eastern US time for Level 3. All classes are recorded, and you can gain credit for listening to up to 50% of the classes as recordings. Your individual work with your Mentor coach and reciprocal peer coaching can be scheduled at your convenience.

    If you cannot make this time, please speak to us as other times may become available as students worldwide join.

  • While currently there are no official guidelines about this, the current trends are that organization are now aware of the ICF and its professional guidelines and most often ask for their partner coaching organizations to only provide credentialed coaches.

  • Item descYou can place your $500 non-refundable deposit to reserve your space here.

  • We offer a 5% reduction on our Certification Programs if you pay for the full program in one payment here using promo code READYNOW1.

    You can attend our next Level 1 and 2 intro class and meet Libby Robinson, MCC - our Director of Coach Training here. If you already have your PCC credential you can our Level 3 “Gaining MCC” program here. (This is the best way to get all your questions answered in one place).

    You can also find a recording of one of our intro calls for Level 1& 2 here or Level 3 here if you cannot make a live session.

    If you want to speak to our Program Coordinator you can contact us at info@advancedcoachingpracticum.com

  • Yes, we offer both diversity and merit scholarships. You can apply here. You must attend a free intro session (register here) in order for the committee to consider your application.

Ready to Join a Free Intro Session?

No time to attend free intro? Watch this recording now.