Scholarship Opportunities
Diverse, Equal, and Inclusive
We believe that it is essential for there to be more coaches from diverse backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, faiths, social strata, and other groups in order for the world to have more conscious leaders and to reduce suffering in the world.
To that end, we offer several diversity scholarships each year (both for CCEUs and our full ICF certification program) as part of our commitment to find individuals and leaders that may have some experience coaching, but who lack the resources or access to superior coach training and certification.
Our definition of “diversity” is large
it’s not based on any one thing
We have had scholarship winners who have full time jobs in the US government and the private sector from the US and Europe. We encourage those that are called to truly improve their coaching to apply.
If you would like to be considered for a full or partial scholarship (or know someone who would be a strong candidate), please consider applying today. We review applications on a rolling basis. The number of scholarships we can offer is dependent on the amount of time our alumni and coaches generously give. This will vary from year to year.
We ask scholarship winners during their learning journey to then help us find future potential full paying and scholarship recipients to help pay it forward and be an actor in making the global coaching profession more diverse, equal, and inclusive.